Google is going to add relevant custom titles for incomplete search results as per page content . This was stated by Google search quality group in offical Google Blog.
According to Google search quality group "One of the bigger recent changes has been to extract titles for pages that don't specify an HTML title — yet a title on the page is clearly right there, staring at you. To "see" that title that the author of the page intended, we analyze the HTML of the page to determine the title that the author probably meant. This makes it far more likely that you will not ignore a page for want of a good title.”
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Google To Add Relevant Titles for Incomplete Search Results
Posted by
Rama Krishna
4:46 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Google New Mile Stone : 1 Trillion URL Index
Google has announced last week that it reach 1 trillion URL index. In 1998 it had 26 million pages, and by 2000 the Google index reached the one billion mark.
Google official Blog also stated that "We don't index every one of those trillion pages -- many of them are similar to each other, or represent auto-generated content similar to the calendar example that isn't very useful to searchers. But we're proud to have the most comprehensive index of any search engine, and our goal always has been to index all the world's data."
Google has now become leader in search engines not only in Traffic Share but also in URL Indexing.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
2:25 AM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Microsoft New " Browse Rank " Theory
According to, Microsoft research team has recently come up with a new concept known as "BrowseRank". According to this new theory, BrowseRank can prove to be more effective than PageRank as it would rank pages according to the user online behavior and not by the number of web pages linked to a specific web page as done by Google PageRank.
According to the researchers who worked on the BrowseRank theory, "The more visits of the page made by the users and the longer time periods spent by the users on the page, the more likely the page is important. We can leverage hundreds of millions of users' implicit voting on page importance." the research team included Bin Gao, Tie-Yan Liu, and Hang Li from Microsoft Research Asia and Ying Zhang of Nankai University, Zhiming Ma of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shuyuan He of Peking University.
How is Browse Rank Calculated
BrowseRank takes into account the amount of time a user spends on a particular website. This helps BrowseRank in assessing the quality of the webpage. BrowseRank not only monitors traffic arriving via links, but also has the ability to monitor direct traffic visits via bookmarks or URLs that are typed in the Address Bar.
The Pages which are more interesting and have user popularity as termed as "Green Traffic."
Disadvantages of Browse Rank
As "Browse Rank " Theory takes into consideration the time spent by the user on the web site , it is understood that it default benefits more social networking web sites, which have less useful and quality content.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
1:27 AM