Thursday, December 20, 2007

Google Updates its Toolbar with New Rating System

Google Tool Bar Update

Google recently made a change to its toolbar software which includes two new buttons: a happy face and a frowning face, These button allow users to rate webpages as they visit them.

Google Toolbar version 4.2 which will be used to roll out "VR" (visitor rating). Google VR™ will use a digg like system with a voting button on the toolbar to collect visitor ratings of the pageand the VR will be displayed via a blue bar similar to the PR bar.

Monday, December 17, 2007

SEO and Ajax

Its web 2.0 and the world simply cannot stop raving about how Ajax has revolutionized the internet. Well, for people who do not know Ajax is a new method to bring tremendous user friendliness to the internet.

It uses existing technologies and combines them to produce some extremely powerful applications. Yes, the user will be thrilled and more than happy with your Ajax website. But where does that place the webmaster?

Ajax is also one of the most un-search engine friendly technologies. That means that if you have Ajax applications on your website, then it is time to rethink your SEO techniques.

The biggest difficulty with Ajax is that it gives you very little options to manipulate the TITLE tags and page headers.

Accessibility has always been a problem with Ajax and what good is technology when users cannot find it?

A workaround

A lot of SEO experts have suggested that creating a second set of static views to be fed to the search engines might be a good option.

In simpler terms, you create a second website without the technology to make it accessible by search engines. The URL must delver the same content to both the users as well as the search engines. But this is not very creative nor is it very practical. Think about the amount of time and effort that goes into it. We also need specific inbound links that point to relevant sections within the virtual directory.

Different solutions

The above mentioned two are not the only workarounds that have been proposed. A few people also suggest that using the ‘noscrpit’ tag is a good way to deliver some static information to the search engines. This means, you create duplicate sections of the same page, one for Ajax and the other for the search engine. But once again, is this feasible? Only time will tell, if Ajax and seo can ever go hand in hand.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SEO for Web 2.0

Search Engine Optimization SEO for Web 2.0

For a lot of people, web 2.0 has been the birth of a new concept. For some, it has been a new set of rules that govern the internet now. But what is it in reality? How do you define web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is an idea that has developed considerably since the dot com bubble of 2001. Web 2.0 is a huge community of websites that is linking more websites together and increasing everyday.

User generated content is one of the prime features of web 2.0. Although user generated content can be relied upon to shoot a website to spotlight, websites have to rely on search engines to get better rankings. This is where SEO for web 2.0 comes in.

Most experts suggest that SEO is web 2.0 and that there isn’t much of a difference in the two.


The fact that user generated content is what is making websites grow horizontally and vertically makes it more difficult to use standard SEO techniques. There is very little editorial control and there are other problems that arise with structural arrangement.

In fact many insurmountable issues may arise with SEO for web 2.0. However, most of these can be overcome with tactful thinking and a set of tools that seem to be mandatory for success in web 2.0.

Blogs and wikis are the new set of devices that any website needs to have in order to engage newer users.


If you have heard about interactivity and elements like Ajax widgets and podcasts, then you are right. But these are extremely difficult for search engines to pick up and very often leave the spiders dazed. If you are using these in your websites, then you need to employ XML, RSS and mirror sites to ensure that you have search engine traffic flowing in all the time.

Overall, you can say that SEO is continually evolving to meet the challenges of web 2.0.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Google Labs - New Experimental Search

Google is experimenting with new feature on search results that allow users to vote up or remove search results they see.

This implemented as part of its Google Labs Program , which allows the user to customize the search experience by adding, deleting and moving search results.

This feature is limited to user specific search results. The sites disliked or deleted by specific user will not appear in his search results .

This is experimental feature and may be available only for limited period .

For more information visit :

SEO Tips to Get Higher Google Page Ranking

As the internet started to develop, immense marketing hype went into it and the result was a network of websites which had clustered information scattered here and there. But these websites were simply not willing to give out an external link.

Most of the links were internal and kept returning the user to square one. It was like a never ending loop. As a result google got into the act and altered its algorithms in the quest to make the web a better place.

Its page rank system is one of the key aspects of this change that has redefined the way the web functions. According to this system, the importance of a website could be determined by the number of inbound links coming to it.

For example, if your webpage has a hundred inbound links coming to it chances are that it can have a high page rank in google.


As a result, webmasters now started to create dummy sites for giving out links for their web pages and soon had pages with a million inbound links.

Once again, Google altered the algorithms and this time, the sites which give out the links are also judged on the basis of their page ranks.
So unless you have a link coming in from a web page with a high page rank, that link is not valued. So the result is a network of websites that not only have quality information to share but also work towards bringing in more useful websites to improve the network.


• Focus on keeping keyword rich but relevant content in your website. The balance between the two should be perfect.
• The only way to make your website popular is by improving the quality of the content within.
• Link building is a significant way of improving traffic and page rank.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Importance of Google Page Rank

Searches and search engines have come a long way indeed from the old days. Today, complex algorithms and techniques are at work behind the scenes to make the result much more satisfying and relevant for the end user.

Take Google’s extremely popular Page Rank system
for example. This system came into place well before Google was actually created. But now it is the sole system in place on the World Wide Web that decides on the importance of a page within a website and gives it a numerical ranking from 1 – 10.

So if you have a Page Rank of 1, it means that the particular webpage has received the most votes or inbound links. Most of these votes have to be relevant or important ones.

How it works

The number of inbound links that is generated by a page is the primary factor that determines it page rank. For example, if a page A has an outbound link to page B, then that link can be called as a vote from A to B. But how popular is Page A?

This is also a determining factor when the value of the vote is counted. This brought to fore the concept of link building and link popularity.

Today, a webpage that is crammed with keywords cannot deceive a search engine. It looks into the Page Rank as well to determine how important the webpage really is.

So even if you have several inbound links to your webpage, it does not guarantee you a high page rank.

Because, the relevance of the pages which are giving you those links are also taken into account. You can say that the page rank of a document is based on the Page Rank of the document which is giving it links.

This truly remarkable concept which has redefined the way the internet functions was achieved with the help of a simple algorithm.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Benefits of LSI for SEO

SEO has been the mantra of success for many a websites until now. The formula has been tried and tested and it has worked as well. The results were pretty much based on keyword density rather than the context in which the keyword has been used. Hence it was necessary to identify all the keywords which had the same meaning which a user might look for. For example, a user looking for ‘red kitchen cabinets’ might look for ‘kitchen cabinets red’ ‘red colored cabinets’ and many more such keyword variations all of which mean the same for him. But for the search engine spider they are all different keywords.


Now we have a new method of SEO called Latent Semantic Indexing. LSI is based on identifying a group of keywords and the context in which it is used in the text. It creates a much more natural approach to search engines and results rather than the more mechanical approach which was common until now. If you look closely at a search results page you will find at least three to four sites that are loaded with keywords but do not have any relevant content in it. This can be avoided with LSI. Apart from the specific keyword, users will also find those sites which have relevant information.

The benefits

Now when you do an LSI based search on music, you will not only have the results with the word music. You can also find radio, mp3 and stuff like that. It incorporates methods like Single Variable decomposition and creating a database of relevant keywords. Also common stop words are eliminated. These new results based on recall, precision and ranking has surely revolutionized the way search engines function. It also means that a web developer has to make sure that each and every word on a page is important and not just the keywords.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) : The new face of search

Latent Semantic Indexing

How do you look up for information on the internet? You type in the words in a search box and wait for the information to come up. But if you go through the results in detail, you will find that after the first few results pages, the rest are all irrelevant to the term that you searched for.

This is the retrieval method that is popular the world over today but will be soon replaced by a highly sophisticated model called LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing).

LSI is a new concept based retrieval method which uses a term and document matrix to describe or bring out the occurrence of terms in various documents. The results have been known to be 30% more effective than any conventional form of search that has been used.

Why it works

The reason why LSI works can be attributed to a term called ‘Shared words’. If you are searching for the term ‘mobile phones’, you might miss out on the result pages which also have the words, ‘Cellular Phone, lightweight, camera phones, etc.

While the user may find these words alike, that’s not how a spider thinks. LSI eliminates this problem by searching according to the concept of a searched term rather than its presence in the result pages.

It eliminates a lot of hassles for both the searcher as well as the content provider who does not have to carefully craft out a database based on keywords.

How it works

Most LSI software uses a completely automated system that is called Singular Value Decomposition. By using this, it creates a semantic or concept space and then improves successful retrieval of data.

In simpler terms, an LSI based model will be able to identify that cellular phones and mobile phones and lightweight phones occur in the same context and hence the results will be much more detailed and relevant.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The rise of social bookmarking and tagging

Storing, classifying and sharing information has reached a new level altogether with social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking is a method in which internet users save links to web pages that can be shared publicly or privately with access limited only to a certain group or limited number of people.

The people can then view these bookmarks in a chronological order or via the tags that mark them. Ever since was started in 1996, there have been several social bookmarking networks on the internet that have risen and fallen.

These companies include Backflip, Blink, Clip2 etc. But it was more recently in 2004 that the term social bookmarking was coined and brought the concept of tagging into the World Wide Web. Since then social bookmarking has been on the rise.

Why it works

It works because it has several advantages when compared with the more traditional automated resource location software.

Search engine spiders for example, use algorithms to determine the meaning of a resource or a web page and then bring it up on the results page.

On the other hand, all tagging is done manually and hence can give much better and streamlined results. As a result you will find semantically classified tags in a social bookmarking system.

Also as a resource is bookmarked by more and more people, its popularity increases and the resource is then ranked by the system based on its utility.

So, the chances that the end user will benefit from it are much higher as compared to a conventional search engine ranking system which ranks pages according to the external links pointing towards it.

The flipside

On the other hand, social bookmarking and tagging has its own set of drawbacks as well. Since there is no fixed vocabulary or spelling checks, tags are found to have errors and unclear tags are common.

Friday, November 2, 2007

MatCutts White Hat SEO Tips for Bloggers

Matcutts, popularly know as Google SEO Guy , recently gave presentation on White Hat SEO Tips for Bloggers.

This video is currently available on Viddler, and also in my blog Google SEO Guy Videos Section

The Summary of things Highlighted in the video " White Hat SEO Tips for Bloggers."

  • Use variation of the same keyword in the url, title and content separately
  • Use dashes and underscores in the URLs to separate the words
  • Name categories after the keywords that you are chasing
  • Avoid .biz and .info type of domains
  • Make a buzz on the net and Google will notice you

Lastly he concluded "“Selling links and buying links are against our guidelines, and we do take action on them”.

The 5 Advantages of Blogging from an organizational perspective

First we had the internet, and then emails conquered the world with their speed and convenience. Now, a new form of interactivity has taken over the World Wide Web and it is called blogging.

In simple terms, a blog is any website where entries are written in a chronological order. Most blogs are the blogger’s personal comments on topics like food, fashion or sex. But there are other blogs which keep you updated on the latest happenings around the world as well.

Blogging has now emerged from a platform of interactivity to a superb marketing tool and most corporate use it to their advantage. But what are the advantages of blogging?

Advantages of blogging

• You can entice customers into personal conversations and thereby get feedback, criticism and personal comments at a rate that’s peanuts as compared to traditional forms of market research.

• You have both consumers as well as citizens who are visiting your blog. It is a great platform to keep them well informed and updated about the company and its products.

• You will create a stronger rapport with your customers and will increase the brand loyalty. It’s the human side of the organization that the customers will interact with over here.

• The reactions of the readers to certain pieces on your company will be really interesting and so can their suggestions.

•As the writer becomes popular, so will the organization. It portrays the organization as having talent.

Its opinion that counts

There was a time when public relations were all about what the organization wanted to say. That was all that we heard. But now, there has been an explosion of opinion and that’s what blogging is all about. It’s the latest and the truest form of democracy at work.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Google Page Rank Update - War on Link Selling Web Sites

Google has updated much awaited Page Rank (Green Bar Update). This Update has costed number of popular sites and blogs with their page ranks dropping., Techcrunch, Engadget, and Forbes and other popular web directories are among the list of victims of recent google page rank update.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Link Baiting strategies in SEO

Of all the SEO strategies that have sprung up in the last few years, none have gained as much repute as link baiting. Link baiting is an exciting prospect and several different variations of this method have propped up recently.

Link baiting can be defined as the process of creating content that is interesting enough to catch people’s attention.

It can be informational stuff also known as informational hooks, news hooks which provide fresh news information each time and then garner citations and links.

‘Evil hooks’ which is the process of writing something that is mean about someone or some product is also known to gather a lot of attention.

Improving link quality

While people have commonly created bait articles, you can also provide a fresh information piece and then leave it on the internet as bait. There have been articles that have picked up almost 1000 links in as less as 6 months.

A news hook is the most effective one so far. So are contradictory hooks where you contradict someone else’s opinion.

Overall, it is an extremely effective way to build your brand online and to create a reputation.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Google Yet again proves to be leader in Search Market

In the recent survey conducted by hitwise and Net Ratings independently, google has proved that it is far ahead in its search market share than its other competitors.

As per Hitwise survey, Percentage of US Searches Among Leading Search Engine Providers(in last four weeks till September 1, 2007. )

  • Google - 63.98 %

  • Yahoo! Search- 22.87 %

  • MSN Search - 7.98 %

  • - 3.41 %

In another survey by netratings the search shares are as follows :

  • Google - 53.6 %

  • Yahoo Search - 19.9 %

  • MSN/ Live Search - 12.9 %

  • Ask .com Search - 1.7 %

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Google Penalizing Paid Link Directories

Google has penalized around 60 paid link directories including Aviva, Alive, Big Web Links, ewebpages, Directory Dump, Elegant Directory, and Biz-Dir in violation of the search engine's quality guidelines.

Google is ecnouraging the web masters to report them about those involved both in buying and selling of links.

During a session at SES called "Are Paid Links Evil?" Cutts presented a slide presentation stating the types of paid links which google does not like.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Advantages of SEO marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine marketing is the best form of marketing as opposed to E-mail, Bulk mail or telemarketing. In the case of the latter, the products are being ‘pushed’ to the customers, whereas in Search Engine marketing it is the customers who search for the products and is hence more effective.

Advantages of using SEO marketing:

  • Better brand visibility

  • Directly reaching your target audience making the products easily accessible to them.

  • Is a round-the-clock service since its available 24/7 online, unlike tele-marketing or E-mail marketing which has a specific time period.

  • Round the clock cross-browser compatibility enhancing increase in the sales of your products & services

  • Since the results are keyword-based, the customers are genuine making it more profitable for the company.

  • You can target a global market since it is available on the WWW

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

why is it important to perform search engine optimization for google??

It is well known fact that Google is leading search engine in USA. Recent statistics by and, portray that Google is emerging as clear leader in Europe Search Market also.

Search Engine market shares in UK:

  • Google – 79.38%

  • Yahoo – 7.72%

  •– 4.48%

  • Msn - 3.75%

  • Live– 1.53%

  • Search Engine market shares in France:

  • Google – 89.79%

  • Yahoo – 3.14%

  • Msn – 2.48%

  • Orange -1.89 %

  • Free– 0.72 %

  • Search Engine market shares in Germany:

  • Google – 88 %

  • Yahoo – 3.4 %

  • German ISP T-Online – 2.2 %

  • Msn -1.4 %

  • AOL – 1.3 %

  • The above stats give us picture of how important it is to do search engine optimization of site for google.

    Thursday, August 2, 2007

    Google Launches Message Center for Web Masters

    Google has launched message center in web masters console to facilitate personal and authenticated communication with web masters. Intially it will confined to messages related to search quality issues, and in long run may become communication channel for more types of information.

    Message Center is capable of providing information in all almost all languages, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Korean, Japanese, etc.

    Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    Google to Inrdouce new Meta Tag for web masters

    Google plans to introduce new meta tag for webmasters which identifies pages that have a time limitation or are time bound.

    The ‘unavailable_after’ meta tag will soon be recognized by Google according to Dan Crow, Director of Crawl Systems at Google and Jill Whalen of High Rankings.

    Google is coming out with a new tag called “unavailable_after” which will allow people to tell Google when a particular page will no longer be available for crawling. For instance, if you have a special offer on your site that expires on a particular date, you might want to use the unavailable_after tag to let Google know when to stop indexing it.

    Monday, June 11, 2007

    Search Engine Friendly Design

    Design of the web site is also vital factor in ranking of a web site. Having a search engine friendly design helps web site to be easily crawled, indexed by search engines and there by gives an edge in over all ranking of web site and target more audience.

    Search Engine Friendly Design Tips :

    • Navigation : All the pages of the site should be inter-linked and should have link to index page.

    • Text Readability: Avoid using annoying and eye irksome background colors to make the text of web site content readable and use standard font size (12) and standard font color (black).

    • Images and Flash: Images and Flash may certainly give professional look and feel, but excessive images and flash may not have good impact on users and Search engines.

    • Content: Users and Search engines prefer sites which are more content rich, rather than image rich web sites.

    • Dynamic Sites: Search engine spiders like static web sites and static urls in comparison to dynamic web sites and urls.

    • Java Script : Using more java script code with in page, may hinder the crawling of important content of page, as search spider crawls only 10k code of your page.

    • CSS : Using CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets) for defining styles for various sections of pages is , mandatory part of search engine friendly design.

    Search Engine Friendly Design Web Site is most preferred choice of both users and search engines.

    Friday, June 1, 2007

    Effective Keyword Research is the first mile stone of Success in SEO Process

    Keyword Research involves not only choosing right keywords related to your web site product and services, but also choosing keywords which are more frequently search by the visitors or users.

    Keyword Research should intelligently balance both the acts and give the right keywords which are related to your services, as well as should be searched by more people, there by bring visitors and leap and bounds of traffic to your web site and finally help in get potential customers.

    Effective and Right Keyword Research Process is the key for:

    • Promoting your web site

    • Making it easily searchable

    • Getting more visitors and Traffic

    • Gain long term potential customers

    Tips for choosing the right keywords with Effective Keyword Research Process:
    • Select the Best and Right Keyword Research Tool

    • Keyword Research Should be Page Specific rather for Entire Site

    • More Search Count and Less Competition is ideal notion of Good Keyword

    • Localized Keywords are more useful for region specific web sites

    • Conversion keywords should be part of your Keyword list

    • Keyword Research for SEO varies from that of PPC (Pay Per Click) Marketing

    Tuesday, May 29, 2007

    Preliminary Site Analysis, Competitor Analysis - Main Initial Steps in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Preliminary Site Analysis and Competitor Analysis are the major initial tasks in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

    Preliminary Site Analysis

    Site Analysis involves analyzing the current status of the site with respect to various SEO Factors .The following SEO aspects of the web site are analyzed.

    • Number of Pages Indexed
    • Number of Back Links
    • Existence of External Java Script
    • Existence of CSS
    • Architecture and navigation of Site
    • Existence of Search engine friendly web design
    • Present Keyword Ranking in major Search Engines

    Competitor Analysis

    Competitor Analysis involves analyzing the competitors site , offering similar products and services .The following aspects of competitor site are analyzed

    • Keywords Targeted and their Rankings
    • Search Engine Friendly design Aspects
    • Architecture and navigation of Site

    These 2 main tasks help us in framing the right Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy.

    Monday, May 21, 2007

    Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) Process

    Search engine optimization (SEO) process main objective and goal is:

    • Search engine friendly web site

    • Top Ranking in major search engines

    • Enhance the popularity of the web site

    • Increase the traffic and the number of visitors

    • Gain more global customer base

    • Maximize return of investment ROI)

    SEO -> Search Engine Friendly Web Site -> Ranking high in Major Search Engines -> Greater Popularity -> Increased Visitors -> Gain More Customers -> Maximize ROI

    Search engine optimization is a continuous, on going process or strategy and involves following steps:
    1. Preliminary Site Analysis
    2. Competitor Analysis
    3. Keyword Research
    4. Search Engine Friendly Design Suggestions
    5. On Page Optimization
    • Meta Tag Optimization
    • Content Optimization
    • Image and Anchor Tag Optimization
    • Bold, Italic Tag Optimization

    6. Off Page Optimization

    • Directory Submission
    • Quality Link Building
    • Search Engine Sumission

    7. Social Media Optimization

    • RSS ( Really Simple Syndication)
    • News Articles and Promotion
    • Blogs
    • Content Swapping
    • Social Book Marking
    • Social Network Promotion

    8. SEO Content Writing

    Each Step in SEO Process has it own importance and should be implemented in and effective and professional manner to gain the main objective and goal of Search engine optimization (SEO) process.

    Tuesday, May 15, 2007

    Search Engines – Past and Present Revealed

    Search engines have become part of every web user life. Right from small piece of information to online books and up-to-date stock information, for any kind of information, web users are considering search engines as the best knowledge rich databases to search.

    In 1993, Mathew Gray in MIT developed first search engine “Wandex”, collected information to its index using web crawler “World Wide Web Wanderer”. Another search engine was developed in the same year was “Aliweb”( Archie Like Indexing for the WEB), which is live till date.

    1994 , contributed to full text crawler based search engine “Web Crawler” and Lycos another,web's earliest crawler-based search engines.

    Major search engines emerged in long run:

    Yahoo (1994 ): Yahoo still remains to be most popular search engine on the web. Yahoo was re-structured itself in October 2002.
    Open Text (1995) : Opent Text was Yahoo's original search partner was also a popular web search site of its own in 1995. Open Text crawled the web to gather listings, its Web search operations closed in mid-1997.
    Magellan (1995): Another early search engine , was later purchased by Excite in 1996. It halted operations in April 2001.
    Infoseek (1995) : Emerged in early 1995, Later renamed as "Go.", stopped its own internal search operations in 2001. Today, Go remains operating, powered by Google.
    Excite (1995) : In late 1995, Excite was launched and started crawled the web to gather listings. In 1996, acquired, Magellan and WebCrawler, to merge into Excite@Home., later stopped gathering its own listings in December 2001.
    AltaVista (1995 ) : Launched in December 1995, AltaVista offered access to a huge index of web sites. It was relaunched as a portal in October 1999.
    HotBot (1996) : Launched in May 1996, HotBot was initially powered by Inktomi and backed by Wired. Hotbot was acquired by Lycos (now Terra Lycos) bought in 1998. Later in 2002 reborn as Meta search engine.
    LookSmart (1996) : LookSmart was launched in 1996, was the only search company to depend upon humans to build index.. In 2002, LookSmart bought the WiseNut crawler to complement its human-powered results.
    Snap (1997) : Snap was launched by CNET in 1997, closed its internal search operations in 2001. Currently powered by meta search results from Infospace.
    AOL Search (1997) : Initially AOL owned its own web search technology, WebCrawler, but sold that to Excite in 1996. Later named as AOL NetFind in 1997, offered search results powered by Excite and currently powered by Google.
    MSN Search (1998) : Launched in 1998 , Microsoft Branded MSN search ,later renamed as Live Search remains one of the most popular search engines on the web.
    Direct Hit (1998-2002): Direct Hit was launched in 1998, was later purchased by Ask Jeeves in 2000, and formally closed in early 2002.
    Ask Jeeves (1998): Launched as the "natural language" search engine in 1998, Ask purchased Direct Hit in early 2000, and Teoma in 2001. From 2002, operating on Teoma search technology.
    Overture (1998 ): Earleir names as GoTo, launched a "paid placement" service in 1998, From 2000, Overture started providing its paid listings major search engines such as MSN and Yahoo.
    Google (1998): Launched in 1998, Google's emerged as it is today the most popular search engine world wide and is diversifying it operations and acquiring companies such as You Tube and Double Click.
    AllTheWeb (1999): AllTheWeb was launched in May 1999 and present has Lycos as its major partner.
    Teoma (2000): Launched in 2000, later purchased by Ask Jeeves in September 2001, At present providing results on as its own site, as well as to the Ask .com. : Founded in 2000 , claims to be largest and freshest indexes search engine in the world.
    WiseNut (2001): Launched in 2001 and was later acquired by Look Smart search engine
    OpenFind(2002) : Launched on july5 2002 open find is a, large independently –built search engine.
    ZotSpot (2004) : Founded in 2004 . it claims shares its revenue with its users.
    Hakia (2007) : New Semantic or meaning based search engine in beta version.

    Search engines are constantly updating and refining their search technologies to offer high quality search results to their users, there by becoming the most preferred destination source for search activities.

    Friday, April 13, 2007

    Search and its role in Internet Marketing

    Search - The heart and soul of the media

    Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing have paved the way of reaching millions of people world wide with no hassles of sales and marketing, with a new era “Internet Marketing”

    Today search is powerful than all ways of marketing and promotion as it one step ahead in performance and return of investment (ROI). This is making businesses to take serious note on exploring search market place as new source for gaining profits.

    Traditional Search

    Search Engines are the main and sole contributors for making search as powerful media. Google, Yahoo and other Search engines has totally redefined the way of searching information and in course made the search as new media for marketing. As more and more users start search for business offering their desired products and services, a new era of marketing “Internet Marketing” came into existence.

    Search is no more confined to Search engines

    Search has come out of the traditional barriers of being confined only to Search engines, with the evolution of “Social Search “.

    The changes in the behavior of searching and evolution of Web 2.0 platforms and Social media and network communities and web sites such as Blogs, Social book marking sites and RSS Aggregator sites has contributed immensely for evolution of “ Social search”.

    Social Search highlights “customer is the king” and the search should be customized according to behavior of customer rather as per search engine algorithm factors. In course it laid path for evolution of new strategy “Social Media Optimization” (SMO) . SMO is now becoming a part and parcel of Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing strategies.

    Future Face of Search

    Search technology is predicted to reach new platforms such as mobile media in the coming future, making it more powerful media for gaining information, purchase your favorite products and lot more with just a finger press.

    Monday, March 26, 2007

    True Benefits of SEO Revealed

    Does Your Website Benefit with SEO?

    In order for your website to be both user and search engine friendly, SEO is very vital. It also facilitates the number of visitors that frequently browse through your website. It encompasses the techniques of converting those visitors into potential for your specific products and services. All in all, it serves as the best promotional web advertising bargain.

    Yes, Definitely SEO BENEFITS your website.

    • The best brand visibility as well as usability is facilitated by SEO when it comes to the global internet market place.

    • World class SEO promotional strategy facilitating a wider horizon where by increasing the number of visitors and prospective clients further leading to increase in your business queries.

    • Long term positioning of highly interactive customer-centric websites at cost effective prices which enhance phenomenal increase in the ROI.

    • Target audience gets an increase in easy accessibility to your website.

    • Content as well as a feature rich website, provides excellent education and knowledge to all your visitors.

    • Often searched keywords ensure a tremendous increase in the actual prospective clients, of the audience for your products and services.

    • Hence SEO is the essence when it comes to having your website enhanced as well as optimized for search engines and knowledge provoking for the users.

    Friday, March 23, 2007

    Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

    Search Engine Optimization

    Search Engine Optimization is art and science which makes a web site both search engine and user freindly and rank in higher in search engines, there by reach the millions of internet users world wide.

    Search Engine Optimization the need of the hour

    As the World Wide Web(WWW) started growing, the number of web sites also increased.The Evolution of Google as major search engine with 3 billion pages (at present 25 billion ) of index, consisting of thousands of web sites offering same products and services contributed to origin of new field "Search Engine Optimization"(some refer it as "Internet Marketing ".)

    Search Engine Optimization involves not only to palce your web site in Top 10 postions of search engine , also help in increasing Overall ROI (Return of Investement)of your web site.

    In recent article at "DMNews is reporting that, "A decision not to pursue search engine optimization at FTD Group Inc. cost the multichannel floral marketer sales during the second quarter of fiscal year 2006."