Google is going to add relevant custom titles for incomplete search results as per page content . This was stated by Google search quality group in offical Google Blog.
According to Google search quality group "One of the bigger recent changes has been to extract titles for pages that don't specify an HTML title — yet a title on the page is clearly right there, staring at you. To "see" that title that the author of the page intended, we analyze the HTML of the page to determine the title that the author probably meant. This makes it far more likely that you will not ignore a page for want of a good title.”
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Google To Add Relevant Titles for Incomplete Search Results
Posted by
Rama Krishna
4:46 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Google New Mile Stone : 1 Trillion URL Index
Google has announced last week that it reach 1 trillion URL index. In 1998 it had 26 million pages, and by 2000 the Google index reached the one billion mark.
Google official Blog also stated that "We don't index every one of those trillion pages -- many of them are similar to each other, or represent auto-generated content similar to the calendar example that isn't very useful to searchers. But we're proud to have the most comprehensive index of any search engine, and our goal always has been to index all the world's data."
Google has now become leader in search engines not only in Traffic Share but also in URL Indexing.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
2:25 AM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Microsoft New " Browse Rank " Theory
According to, Microsoft research team has recently come up with a new concept known as "BrowseRank". According to this new theory, BrowseRank can prove to be more effective than PageRank as it would rank pages according to the user online behavior and not by the number of web pages linked to a specific web page as done by Google PageRank.
According to the researchers who worked on the BrowseRank theory, "The more visits of the page made by the users and the longer time periods spent by the users on the page, the more likely the page is important. We can leverage hundreds of millions of users' implicit voting on page importance." the research team included Bin Gao, Tie-Yan Liu, and Hang Li from Microsoft Research Asia and Ying Zhang of Nankai University, Zhiming Ma of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shuyuan He of Peking University.
How is Browse Rank Calculated
BrowseRank takes into account the amount of time a user spends on a particular website. This helps BrowseRank in assessing the quality of the webpage. BrowseRank not only monitors traffic arriving via links, but also has the ability to monitor direct traffic visits via bookmarks or URLs that are typed in the Address Bar.
The Pages which are more interesting and have user popularity as termed as "Green Traffic."
Disadvantages of Browse Rank
As "Browse Rank " Theory takes into consideration the time spent by the user on the web site , it is understood that it default benefits more social networking web sites, which have less useful and quality content.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
1:27 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008
Google, Yahoo and Live Search Robots Exclusion Protocol defines "The robot exclusion standard, also known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol or robots.txt protocol, is a convention to prevent cooperating web spiders and other web robots from accessing all or part of a website which is otherwise publicly viewable. "
In Lay Man Words The robot exclusion standard, also known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol or robots.txt protocol, is a way to inform or prevent or disable the search engine spiders from accessing all or part of a website.
Earlier this week, Microsoft announced that, together with Google and Yahoo, it would offer insight on their respective way to tackle the protocol.
This means that webmasters will be able to reap the benefits out of a common implementation of REP across Google, Yahoo and Live Search.
Common REP Directives
The following list are all the major REP features currently implemented by Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo!.
1.Robots.txt Directives
Directive: Disallow
Impact : Tells a crawler not to crawl your site or parts of your site -- your site's robots.txt still needs to be crawled to find this directive, but the disallowed pages will not be crawled
Use Cases: 'No crawl' pages from a site. This directive in the default syntax prevents specific path(s) of a site from crawling
Directive: Allow
Impact : Tells a crawler the specific pages on your site you want indexed so you can use this in combination with Disallow. If both Disallow and Allow clauses apply to a URL, the most specific rule – the longest rule – applies.
Use Cases: This is useful in particular in conjunction with Disallow clauses, where a large section of a site is disallowed, except a small section within it.
Directive: $ Wildcard Support
Impact : Tells a crawler to match everything from the end of a URL -- large number of directories without specifying specific pages
Use Cases: 'No Crawl' files with specific patterns, for e.g., files with certain file types that always have a certain extension, say '.pdf', etc.
Directive: * Wildcard Support
Impact : Tells a crawler to match a sequence of characters (available by end of June)
Use Cases: 'No Crawl' URLs with certain patterns, for e.g., disallow URLs with session ids or other extraneous parameters, etc.
Directive: Sitemaps Location
Impact : Tells a crawler where it can find your sitemaps.
Use Cases: Point to other locations where feeds exist to point the crawlers to the site's content
2. HTML META Directives
Directive: NOINDEX META Tag
Impact : Tells a crawler not to index a given page
Use Cases: Don't index the page. This allows pages that are crawled to be kept out of the index.
Directive: NOFOLLOW META Tag
Impact : Tells a crawler not to follow a link to other content on a given page
Use Cases: Prevent publicly writeable areas to be abused by spammers looking for link credit. By NOFOLLOW, you let the robot know that you are discounting all outgoing links from this page.
Impact : Tells a crawler not to display snippets in the search results for a given page
Use Cases: Present no abstract for the page on Search Results.
Impact : Tells a search engine not to show a "cached" link for a given page
Use Cases: Do not make a copy of the page available to users from the Search Engine cache.
Directive: NOODP META Tag
Impact : Tells a crawler not to use a title and snippet from the Open Directory Project for a given page
Use Cases: Do not use the ODP (Open Directory Project) title and abstract for this page in Search."
In addition to the above there are other directives supported only by Google
UNAVAILABLE_AFTER Meta Tag - Tells a crawler when a page should "expire", i.e., after which date it should not show up in search results.
NOIMAGEINDEX Meta Tag - Tells a crawler not to index images for a given page in search results.
NOTRANSLATE Meta Tag - Tells a crawler not to translate the content on a page into different languages for search results.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
3:33 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
An overview of the Google Over Optimization filter
Google Over Optimization filter
If someone told you that the race to the top spot in Google search engine rankings is not easy, then he is probably telling the truth. As you enter the World Wide Web, you desperately want to be noticed. You want traffic to start flowing to your website and your website to be in the top of search engine results. But this is not possible.
At least it’s not possible to do his in a legitimate manner. In an aim to hit the top faster than the rest, some people create web pages for search engines rather than web users. These pages are called over optimized pages and they use a series of strategies to attempt to fool search engines.
These websites contain more competitive keyword phrases which have little or no link to the overall content of the page.
Google has a filter called the ‘Google Over Optimization filter’ which uses an algorithm to detect such web pages. The penalty is severe.
The penalty and avoiding Google over optimization Filter
It is said that the Google Over Optimization filter is also called the ‘-950 penalty filter’ because the ranking of that website goes down by 950 positions.
Yes, this is exactly what happens to any website that uses over optimization techniques. Most webmasters find that their website is suffering in the search engine rankings owing to a filter. But they have no clue why they have been filtered. How do you know if your website is over optimized?
It’s simple really. Do not employ each and every strategy that you read in a search engine optimization forum. The usage of the H1 tag is one such element. While many SEO users suggest that you use the H1 tag for keywords, there are others who suggest that you avoid them. Analyze to know what strategy top ranking web pages have used.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
1:06 AM
Labels: Google Over Optimization filter
Monday, February 4, 2008
A look at Google spam filters
Ever since google became the search engine king, the responsibility on its shoulders has increased. The onus is on Google to keep its search results free of spam and fake websites to make every search a worthwhile experience for its users.
Considering that thousands of websites are created every day and a lot of these might be spam websites, the job isn’t easy at all. So google has created a set of manual and automated filters called as google spam filters.
Google spam filters
The aim of these filters is simple enough. Any website that uses illegitimate techniques to gain an undue advantage in search engine rankings will be greyed out and put into an imaginary quarantine zone.
In the quarantine zone the page rank of the website will suffer and according to the filter that has been applied, it can even go below hundred. To get out of the quarantine, the website has to stop using those spam techniques or it may have to wait till the penalty time period is over.
The top 3
The existence of these filters has been a widely debated topic amongst SEO specialists around the world. Some SEO experts go up to the extent of saying that there is about 15 google spam filters now. But there are some who say that there are none. Nevertheless, here are the top 3 Google spam filters that are said to be in use now.
• The sandbox: The google sandbox filter is a filter that prevents new websites from getting high rankings in search results. Every new website created will automatically go into the sandbox and as it ages, its credibility will increase. Gradually, the website will start faring better in search results.
• The Trust Rank: This is a very important filter and it takes into account the age, the quality of the inbound links of the website and the content. The trust rank means that google trusts your website.
• The domain age: This is another filter that does not allow newer domains to get high rankings.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
1:22 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Understanding Google Domain Age Filter
When you launch a website, you are entering a world that is as populated as the world that we exist in. Maybe it’s even more populated than the real world. The worst part is that every webmaster who launches a website wants to be at the number one spot in Google search engine results.
Now this makes the job extremely difficult for Google to go through each one of these websites and rank them on the basis of their content and SEO techniques. A lot of webmasters want to hit it big early and hence they choose spam techniques to get to the top really fast.
So Google introduced a set of filters to counter spamming and create a search results page that has only quality websites in it. The Google domain age filter works on the policy that if your domain has been around for a few years, then the chances that you are a spam website are negligible. This is why google gives older domains a much better ranking than newer ones.
Can you get around it?
Does it mean that it will take a few years before your domain name gets some credibility? Not really, say experts.
- Buying old domain names is one way to get around this. If there is a domain that has been bought and parked at a domain parking service, then it will have good credibility at Google.
- Another work around is to buy the domain name early. If you are planning to start a few websites next year or so, then start now and book the domain names. Now tell google about them so that they start the evaluation process right away.
- Also if and when you are buying an older domain name, please does not change the WHOIS information or you risk losing all the benefits of buying an old domain name.
And keep in mind that this is only half the war won. There are a set of other filters that you have to combat in order to get high rankings.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
1:35 AM
Labels: Google Domain Age Filter
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Understanding the Google Trust Rank Filter
Google Filters - Google Trust Rank Filter
If you thought that a well detailed SEO program is enough to get you a top rank in the search results pages, then you are misinformed. The information that you have is only partially correct.
The complete information is that you need to follow this program routinely for almost one year to get out of the google sandbox and get into the google trust rank filter. Both these are a set of filters used by Google, which avoid new websites from gaining an undue advantage by using spamming techniques.
Some websites create thousands of back links at once using spamming techniques and dummy web pages to gain a high back link structure. This makes it possible to gain a high page rank the moment the website is launched defeating the very purpose of a search engine.
Hence the arrival of google trust rank filter might have actually benefited the web users but it has made life difficult for webmasters.
The Google trust rank
In order to get a good trust rank with google, you have to get quality in bound links to your website. Now this is not that easy to achieve and may even take years.
If you lose patience and resort to spamming, then you are out of the trust rank and into the sand box. Consider them to be the two sides of a coin that work in tandem. As the name suggests, the google trust rank filter is all about creating trust. Keep working on your web promotion using ethical practices and over a period of time as google gets to know your website better, your ranking will improve on the search results page.
Can you beat it?
This has been one of the most widely discussed things on the internet. Can you really beat the google filters? My advice would be to try and stick to legitimate SEO practices rather than trying to beat the filter and get into the sand box filter again.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
12:45 AM
Labels: Google Trust Rank Filter
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Google SandBox Filter
Can you beat the google sand box filter?
Search engines have become far more equipped today to beat spammers at their own game. There was a time when websites used mass spamming techniques to reach the top of search engine results soon after their launch.
As a result, most of the top websites were beaten by the spammers and the quality of search engine results suffered.
Soon google allegedly came out with the sand box filter. The sandbox filter is considered to be a conscious effort on the part of google to prevent spamming websites from achieving a high ranking.
According to experts the google sand box filter is like a probationary time zone which may last for up to 3 months or even more. In this time period, the website may perform extremely poorly in organic search results. It is used to gauge the trust metrics of the website. This metrics will play an important part in deciding the future of the website in search results.
Different theories
There have been different theories surrounding the google sand box filter. Some say that the filter is aimed at postponing or ageing the back linking process.
Back links are crucial in giving the website a high page ranking. When the effectiveness of these back links are reduced, the website performs weakly until google ascertains the trustworthiness of the links.
However, off late many SEO experts have started to question the theories that support the existence of the google sand box filter.
Another theory says that the google sand box filter only affects English language websites. This means that any website with the .gov domain will not be affected.
The final word
The bottom line is that if you wish to achieve a top ranking in google search results, you will have to work for it by building quality trustworthy back links. You simply cannot follow spamming techniques to ensure that you reach the top.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
7:50 AM
Labels: Google Sand Box Filter
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Google Filters
Google has simply come into existence and spun the virtual world around. It can now be called the central axis around which half of the virtual world revolves. Hence it is extremely crucial that you understand the way it functions. This is mandatory not only for the webmaster but also for the average netizen looking for information.
Google employs a set of algorithms to scan a webpage and bring up its search results. These algorithms are constantly updated every now and then to make them more effective and efficient in bringing up the results.
Also, the success of a webpage in the World Wide Web very well depends on its position on the search results page. Search engine optimization or SEO techniques were introduced to help a webpage rank better on search engine results pages.
But then Google incorporated these filters into their algorithms and once again, the rules changed.
What are Google filters?
There are almost hundreds of factors and variables that are programmed into a google algorithm and this makes it very difficult to identify if filters are used.
Filters are some rules that the search engines will follow to avoid unhealthy SEO practices.
For example, if you have built thousands of back links using an auto link creation program, then it is considered to be spamming by Google and the search engine will avoid the webpage altogether.
Similarly, the sandbox effect or the over optimization filter which is said to remove the pages that are crammed with keywords and the H1 and H2 tags are some of the examples.
The links filter which is associated with the links.htm page is almost certain to exist, say experts.
How to Avoid Google filters?
If you take all of the filters into account when optimizing your website, then SEO techniques become all the more difficult. But the best part is that SEO experts have started to introduce more and more methods to avoid these so called Google filters.
Posted by
Rama Krishna
6:18 AM
Labels: Google Filters